We are excited to introduce you to the Anshe Sfard congregational family.  Our Congregation relies on the support of its members to continue to serve the community. 

At Anshe Sfard, we have three membership levels.

  • FULL MEMBERSHIP: Families or individuals over the age of 30 become members of Anshe Sfard for a donation of $600.

  • YOUTH MEMBERSHIP: Single people under the age of 30 are encouraged to join the synagogue for the reduced amount of $400

  • ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: You can show your support to Anshe Sfard by becoming an associate member. Associate members are welcome to participate in all synagogue activities but they do not enjoy voting rights at synagogue meetings. An associate membership is $300.

To apply for Anshe Sfard membership, please fill out the application form below.

Current members, please renew your membership by clicking on the membership renewal link.